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School Holidays

School Holidays During Term Time

The Department for Education recently announced national changes to the penalty notices for unauthorised absences / holidays during term time. This change came into effect on 19th August 2024. 


Fixed penalty notices will be issued for unauthorised leave of absences holidays and for irregular school attendance as follows:


● Trigger: any 10 sessions (5 days) of unauthorised absence in a 10 week rolling period. These sessions might be consecutive or not and they can span across different academic years.

● First Offence (within a 3 year rolling period): £160 per parent/carer per child if paid within 28 days (reduced to £80 per parent/carer per child if paid within 21 days)

● Second Offence (within a 3 year rolling period): £160 per parent/carer per child (no reduction for early payment)

● Third Offence (within a 3 year rolling period): A fixed penalty notice will not be issued. This will be presented straight to the Magistrate’s Court where a fine of up to £2,500 per parent/carer per child may be issued.


Penalty Notices are not collected or kept by schools but by the Local Authority. As per SLP protocol, and outlined in the SLP Attendance Support Booklet, absences for illness will be followed up with a welfare check. Any suspicion that an unauthorised absence and not an illness has taken place, may be followed up with a referral and you will be expected to provide medical evidence.


Please note that this new legislation will come into force for any term time leave of absence taken from September 2024, regardless of when the holiday was booked. Application forms for Leave of Absence can be requested by contacting the school office.

Please contact the school if you wish to discuss this with Mrs Storey (Headteacher).

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