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Year 2

Welcome to the Class 2 webpage. Miss Shand is the class teacher and she is supported by Mrs Pendleton.

Miss Shand

Mrs Pendleton


In Maths we learn about: Number and Place Value, Addition and Subtraction, Multiplication and Division, Fractions, Measures, Geometry: properties of shape. Geometry: position, direction and motion and Statistics.

In English we use poetry (contemporary and classic), traditional stories, fairy stories, nonfiction texts as starting points for our lessons. We read short books and continue to learn our phonics.

In Science we learn about: Animals (including humans), Uses of Everyday Materials, Plants (growth and health) and Living Things & Habitats (habitats & food chains)

Our R.E. lessons focus on Christianity and Buddhism.

In P.E. we have lessons in: gymnastics, games, dance and athletics.

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